Addictions researcher to speak at annual workshops
Understanding and treating a variety of addictions will be the topic of two days worth of workshops sponsored by the Central Nebraska Council on Alcoholism and Addictions next month in Grand Island.
Borat - Dating Service Skit - If you want to make it seriously, visit Hi. My name-a-Borat. Yeshgemish. Or something like that. Borat at dating service Borat gets a dating lesson at dating school and then goes to a speed dating session.
i have an 18 year old girlfriend and im 16 is sex illegal?
i just want to know if its illegal even if i give consent. i don't want her to get in trouble.
Best answer:
Answer by Ashley It depends on what state you live in. In the state I live in it is illegal but where you live the age of consent might be 16 so you should look it up.
I have given alot of people what they all are looking for. I am a guy and I go after only girls. In fact, I snatched me one now... you know. She and me we be the cup of tea. We play pool, we go to school, we have fun, we rub it up in the sun, we started out right, she's with me tonight. But anyway, I am sorry ya'll. I just have to brag. Not even Paris could get a guy like the girl I have. I dream of wakin up with a picture of her by my bed that say," I need you and you need to find me." Go Girl!!!!! You know how to work that thing. I done spent it all on her. Not all my real cash but all of my emotional/heart cash. She gets it all babe. She doesn't even wear all that stuff that other girls wear just to say," Hey, I am a girl that you want to look at." I even tried looking at those girls and they didn't do nuttin.
Question by Emma C: Had unprotected sex the other day, and i forgot to take my pill last night? What to do now?
okay so i just started my first pack of birth control. i had unprotected sex the other day and i forgot to take my seventh pill last night. he ejaculated inside of me and i just finished my period like 2 days ago. but im not sure, because ive been bleeding since i used the pill.. what should i do now? is it possible that im pregnant?
Best answer:
Answer by Invisible Pink ~ RN Take both today - you'll be fine
Is it worth it to stay in a terrible relationship just for good sex?
Everything about our relationship is awful, except for the sex. I really dislike him, except for when we're having sex. I want to dump him, but the though of being without sex is scary :( What should I do ? ...
Best answer:
Answer by emotionalzombie7997 Stop being a codependent.
Luna with the five kittens she had with Julius from Cattery van de Binnendijk, Purmerend, The Netherlands ( .
Last night Luna gave birth to five healthy looking very active kittens (weight and sex TBD later). They were born at 03:15, 03:25, 04:00, 05:30 and 06:00 (all AM GMT). There were hardly any hiccups during the proces... and so far all kittens are drinking with mom.
Lies and I are both knackered, so we can only imagine that Luna must feel worse. Soon more pictures of before and after, as well as updates will follow.
about the size of the problem
Image by bsdfm
This is the view out of our bedroom window. These are the people that get to watch us having sex on a Saturday morning. The viewership is rather higher on a weekend night.
Times Square
Image by Clint Gardner
What a mess. Ok, it is Times Square, but why come to this consumer whorehouse? (Funny that all the wonders of corporate prostitution replaced the sex-trade businesses that used to be here.) I was nice and took several pictures for tourists. They liked them. Maybe I should be a photographer for the masses here--well I could charge 5 bucks a photo, I suppose. See this place is infectious. Maybe all it can be is somewhere to suck the dollars out of tourists pockets.
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Question by Tom:
Psychological experts only; What is the psychology behind preference for being teased by a woman to having sex?
with her. I love being teased; is this a sign of inner self-loathing
Best answer:
Answer by bruceyboy Its very hard to judge because is you ask 1,000 different people about their preferences on sex, you'll probably get like 900 something different answers of preferences. In most cases, both guys and girls likes to be teased but whether its coincidently or not, most couples/partners' sex preferences are match such as the guy likes to be rough and the girl likes to be tortured or vice versa.
I would think sometimes why one of the partner would like to be teased is probably because the other partner during their daily life have many stress during the day and therefore inside the bedroom is the only way to relax and just let everyone decide it for them.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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